Made to Work

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I have been thinking about what to write this week for the blog but just like where you are, not much is going on here. I have been studying and thinking about a few things. Like this verse:

“Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” (Genesis 1:26)

Made to Work

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Did you catch that? God had work lined up for us before He even made us. We were made to work. I think that is why I am hearing about so many who are struggling right now. People out of work just hanging out at home. Going a bit crazy. Or people working from home but now have all this extra time from not commuting. What do you do with an extra three hours a day? I am no different. I came to Uganda to help out at Called Christians while Beverly Rich went on furlough. Beverly is still here though. And everything here is closed just like things are closed where you live.

I do not do well with no structure. When I was in government quarantine in a hotel room I made myself a schedule to follow each day. Starting at 6am and going through 9pm, I even scheduled a nap. I am learning the routine at Called Christians now and will set up a rough outline for my days here, too. You see, I was made to work.

How are you doing with this worldwide lock down? Are you working? I hear of people picking up new skills, falling into deep depressions, learning languages, creating things, destroying things, playing games, sleeping a lot, singing, baking in excess, watching bad television, even exercising like crazy. My prayer for you and me is we would take this extra time God has given us and pursue our dreams, like some ladies are doing here:

  • Carol studying golf,

  • Joy studying driving,

  • Amber studying leather making.

That God would help us, help to ignite the fires within us. To equip us during this time so we can work well in whatever He asks us to do.

I would love to hear from you, how are you doing? Are you working? Are you pursuing a dream? Are you learning something new during this time? Brushing up on something old? Are you struggling? How can I be praying for you? Email me at